The Personal and the Professional
There are too many unhappy people doing improv.

I don't mean unhappy in their lives, but unhappy with what improv project they're doing.

So, I give them this advice:

There are projects you find personally satisfying--you like your fellow performers, you look forward to rehearsals, you enjoy your shows, etc.

There are projects you find professionally satisfying--it challenges you, it looks good on a resume, it takes you one step closer to TourCo, etc.

Sometimes a project is both, sometimes it's just one or the other and sometimes it's neither.

If it's neither, not something you look forward to doing and find personally satisfying or not something that will advance your career, why the fuck do it?

Let me repeat that point:

Seriously, why the fuck spend the time and energy and money every week doing something you don't enjoy personally and won't help you professionally?

Most projects start as a combination of the both and eventually devolves into one of the two for you. Then, for whatever reason, a project becomes neither.

Don't be a martyr.

Be a professional.

Move on.
posted by Sammy at 5:32 AM | Permalink |